Evolving the CORE40 Identity
CORE40 is not a conventional fitness company. Almost a decade ago, we began offering what many (including celebrities, world-class athletes, first ladies and even royalty) consider the best physical fitness program on the planet. Over the past 10 years, our vision has grown along with our company, and we have come to firmly believe that mindfulness is an essential component of living a truly epic life. True happiness is achieved by cultivating not only a strong body, but also a strong mind.
strong body + strong mind = epic life
CORE40’s mission – to bring about deep transformation of both your body and mind, leading you to a life filled with power, confidence and love – continues to evolve. We are excited to announce the launch of our new company logo as part of the ongoing evolution of the CORE40 brand.
After many months of collaboration, we have updated our logo to more deeply reflect our mission and brand values. We chose to evoke the potent symbolism of the labyrinth in our design. The labyrinth is an ancient and universal symbol which relates to wholeness and self-integration. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering, yet purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center – our CORE – and back out again into the world. The winding pattern of any labyrinth also represents the circulation of vital energies within our bodies – both our consciousness and its physical vehicle. To traverse the labyrinth is to bring all parts of our being into one wholeness.
For thousands of years, across a multitude of cultures, the labyrinth has been used as a mindfulness tool. The labyrinth is a joyfully sacred space and a metaphor for life’s journey. On the way from the periphery to the center, we walk the labyrinth for reflection, healing, balance, opening awareness, connection to our higher selves, and evolution. And once the heart of the labyrinth is reached, we retrace our steps along the same path with new awareness and strength, essentially sharing our highest good with all around us.
We invite you to walk the labyrinth of transformation with us.
With love,
Team CORE40
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson